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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

More Exciting Times

Loving Life

 Having an absolute ball at the mo!! Made tonnes of friends! The new volunteers are great fun! We have been making our way through the list of things we want to do in Kenya before we leave! The people here are just great! There is one guy in the kitchen here called Benson who is hilarious! He totally fancies me haha he is like 40 though and is Kenyan and can’t really understand me but we have a blast! I love him so much coz he never ever stops smiling! Today he let me stir the Ugali which only the men are meant to do but I did it and it was so hard!! It is like mixing cement! Or harder!  He says we are best friends!  I tried the Ugali and it tastes like you are eating play dough! It is meant to fill you up for like 4 days, and it literally tastes like it will! Belch! The kids love it though! There’s another guy here called Purtu and he is jealous of me and Benson! Even though he is also like 40 years old! They are so funny! I made another friend called James here and he has been texting me letting me know everything that is on each week that me and the girls should go to! He works as a story teller in the school and goes all over Nairobi. He got me a bracelet on Saturday because I told him I wanted one, but he said that they are 100 KSH and I would be charged 600 KSH because I am white, so he brought me two! :D I love it! Everyone here saying I should get a Kenyan ID and just get tanned and live here!! Hahaa. I also tried a local delicacy called Mandazi :) It is like dough that is shaped in a cube lol it is quite nice. I also got to try sugar cane yesterday. You can buy it from the wee local people who sit on the streets and it comes as a big cane it looks like bamboo, but they chop it up then you have to bite into it and suck out the sugar!! It’s amazing!! :)

Also, the Kenyan's pure love their cups of tea! Which I find strange because it's so hot. They all drink juice with hot water instead of cold. I am like addicted to the tea here though, I am like would you like any tea with that milk? They have it so milky and it is so sweet!! It is seen as very rude to decline a cup of tea from a Kenyan, as I was told when I did for the first and last time! :p

I getting really good at picking up Kiswahili now and I know lots of phrases, all the Kenyans love it when we try to speak it:
Mambo, Habari – Hello, how are you
Sasa – How’s it going
Mazuri – I’m fine
Asanti Sana – Thanks very much
Sawa Sawa – Cool
Karibou – Welcome
Poa – Good
Ndiyo – Yes, I understand
Twende – Let’s Go
Kwa Heri - Goodbye
Kuja – Come here

These are pics of the school grounds

This is the view from the upper primary


  1. The school building looks really modern and the kids look like they are having fun. Love Dad XXX

  2. Sawa Sawa pics of the school, lovely happy children. Sasa Cat ?
    Kwa Heri
    Love Anne, Davie xxxxxx

  3. haha i love this!! :) Poa :) iv learnt way more now :) cat
